
48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 2KVAS

HOT PRODUCTS > Hot Swap Modular Inverter > 48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 2KVAS

48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 2KVAS

DC Input Range: 40to -60 vdc;
Bypass Input:170-270VAC;
AC output: 220VAC(±5%) Can be Adjustable On the LCD Display;
Output Voltage Precision(V):220Vac ±1.5%
≥85% (Bypass Mode)

BWT1500 serial 48Vdc &220Vdc modular parallel connection inverter is an inversion device that converts 48V dc/220Vdc power supplied by communication DC power supply into 220V/50Hz sinusoidal AC power. Through conversion on the input DC power, the Pure Sine wave inverter offers users stable and Non-distorted AC power. In case of a power failure in business places, it offers key devices the power of flexible output voltage and frequency.

Basic System Architecture

The following illustration shows the basic application for this inverter. It also includes the following devices to
have a complete running system:

Product Overview

黔江区| 慈溪市| 保康县| 郧西县| 彰化市| 民和| 乳山市| 富蕴县| 于都县| 建湖县| 西乡县| 昭通市| 扎囊县| 临汾市| 台前县| 静安区| 福海县| 渝北区| 教育| 黑水县| 台湾省| 屯门区| 乌兰县| 阳春市| 镇坪县| 南部县| 南京市| 来宾市| 盐城市| 安图县| 马尔康县| 昌图县| 霍林郭勒市| 视频| 长垣县| 诸城市| 思茅市| 仲巴县| 灵武市| 寻乌县| 新营市|