
48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 1KVAS

HOT PRODUCTS > Hot Swap Modular Inverter > 48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 1KVAS

48Vdc 220Vac Hot-swap Modular Power Inverter 1KVAS

DC Input Range: 40to -60 vdc;
Bypass Input:170-270VAC;
AC output: 220VAC(±5%) Can be Adjustable On the LCD Display;
Output Voltage Precision(V):220Vac ±1.5%
≥85% (Bypass Mode)

BWT1500 serial 48Vdc &220Vdc modular parallel connection inverter is an inversion device that converts 48V dc/220Vdc power supplied by communication DC power supply into 220V/50Hz sinusoidal AC power. Through conversion on the input DC power, the Pure Sine wave inverter offers users stable and Non-distorted AC power. In case of a power failure in business places, it offers key devices the power of flexible output voltage and frequency.

Basic System Architecture

The following illustration shows the basic application for this inverter. It also includes the following devices to
have a complete running system:

Product Overview

吴忠市| 麻栗坡县| 东乡族自治县| 沙河市| 舒兰市| 郑州市| 乐陵市| 华坪县| 峡江县| 宾阳县| 苏尼特左旗| 凤冈县| 综艺| 阜阳市| 文化| 新丰县| 遂川县| 博野县| 连州市| 恩平市| 蚌埠市| 平凉市| 康定县| 永安市| 策勒县| 澄江县| 太和县| 孙吴县| 武邑县| 社会| 资阳市| 阿拉善右旗| 静宁县| 寻甸| 鄂托克前旗| 凤山县| 新闻| 台南市| 泰兴市| 安塞县| 唐海县|