
Installation instructions for solar inverter MPPT charging control

Column:Industry News Time:2021-02-25
The installation environment of the solar inverter MPPT charging control is critical to the performance and service life of the controller.

The installation environment of the solar inverter MPPT charging control is critical to the performance and service life of the controller. The solar controller needs to be installed in a dry environment and prevent water infiltration. It is best to ensure sufficient ventilation around the controller and sufficient air flow. Never install the controller in a sealed box. The controller can be installed in the same box as the battery, but ensure that there is no gas or liquid leakage from the battery, because these leaks from the battery will corrode and destroy the controller's circuit.

You can choose to connect multiple solar controllers in parallel and install them on the same battery pack to achieve greater charging current. You can also choose to incorporate a new controller when needed in the future to increase the charging current of the system. However, no matter what the circumstances, it must be ensured that the solar cell arrays connected to each controller are independent of each other, that is, it is strictly forbidden to share the same solar cell array between the controllers.

 Warning: There is a risk of damage or explosion of the equipment!

It is strictly forbidden to directly install the controller and the poorly sealed battery in the same environment. The gas leaking from the battery is flammable and corrosive, and will damage the controller's circuit.

Warning: Risk of equipment damage!

If the solar controller is installed in the box, ensure that there is enough ventilation inside and outside the box. A closed environment will cause the temperature of the controller to rise too high and reduce the service life of the controller.

Before installing the solar controller, please read all installation instructions carefully and operate strictly according to the requirements. Any improper operation behavior may cause the current and voltage output by the controller to fail to meet the required requirements. In serious cases, it may even damage the controller, the battery and the load connected to the controller.

Install spare tools:

l Wire stripper

l Wire cutter

l Phillips screwdriver

l Slotted screwdriver

l vise

l Electric drill

l Level

l Hacksaw (for cutting pipes for protecting wire)

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