
Daily maintenance of power supply system in communication room

Column:Industry News Time:2019-08-07
The daily maintenance work of the power supply system of the communication room requires:

The daily maintenance work of the power supply system of the communication room requires:

(1) Regular inspections of power supply equipment. Pay attention to the ambient temperature of the computer room and the operating status of the equipment, use the power monitoring system to monitor various operating parameters of the power equipment in real time, and deal with problems in time.


(2) Power patrol inspection content. Whether the module configuration is reasonable; whether the charging current limit value is correct and whether there is an alarm; system AC voltage, current, DC floating voltage, load current, battery supplementary current, fan operating status and lightning protection device status; monitoring the various operations of the module Whether the parameters are correct; whether the temperature compensation is normally enabled; whether the current sharing of the module is less than 5%; the temperature rise of the battery insurance and connection strip; whether the battery is acidic, leaking, bulging, etc.; the ambient temperature of the computer room, etc.

(3) Use the power supply monitoring system to remotely monitor the power supply equipment in real time, understand the fault phenomenon, perform remote monitoring and resolution, and assist in on-site processing. When dealing with power equipment obstacles, you should first determine the cause of the power failure and the location of the fault, and then take corresponding methods and measures to deal with the power failure.



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